
林 (阿州)的英文

  • linn county, iowa
  • :    forest; woods; grove
  • :    play up to; pander to; cater ...
  • :    an ancient administrative di ...
  • :    名词1.(成片的树木或竹子) forest; woods; grove 风景林 aesthetic [landscape] forest; 公有林 community forest; forest for community; 经济林 production forest; 雨林 rain forest; 原始林 virgin forest; 竹林 bamboo grove; 丛林 copse; grove2.(聚集在一起的同类的人或事物) circles; group 士林 scholarly circles; 艺林 art circles; 石林 stone forest; 碑林 collection of stone inscriptions3.(林业) forestry 农林牧副渔 farming, forestry, animal husbandry, side-line production and fishery4.(姓氏) a surname 林则徐 lin zexu
  • 林 直笛:    cdx1
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        :    forest; woods; grove
        :    play up to; pander to; cater ...
        :    an ancient administrative di ...
        :    名词1.(成片的树木或竹子) forest; woods; grove 风景林 aesthetic [landscape] forest; 公有林 community forest; forest for community; 经济林 production forest; 雨林 rain forest; 原始林 virgin forest; 竹林 bamboo grove; 丛林 copse; grove2.(聚集在一起的同类的人或事物) circles; group 士林 scholarly circles; 艺林 art circles; 石林 stone forest; 碑林 collection of stone inscriptions3.(林业) forestry 农林牧副渔 farming, forestry, animal husbandry, side-line production and fishery4.(姓氏) a surname 林则徐 lin zexu
        林 直笛:    cdx1
        林(贝鸟):    common wood shrike
        林(升鸟):    forest bittern
        糖枫(林):    sugar bush
        艾 (阿州):    ida county, iowa
        昂 (阿州):    lyon county, iowa
        比 (阿州):    shelby county, iowa
        波克 (阿州):    polk county, iowa
        布恩 (阿州):    boone county, iowa
        戴斯 (阿州):    davis county, iowa
        德班 (阿州):    audubon county, iowa
        第特 (阿州):    decatur county, iowa
        恩 (阿州):    wayne county, iowa
        范布 (阿州):    van buren county, iowa
        弗 (阿州):    jefferson county, iowa
        戈 (阿州):    winnebago county, iowa
        戈德 (阿州):    ringgold county, iowa
        格迪 (阿州):    grundy county, iowa
        翰 (阿州):    johnson county, iowa
        霍德 (阿州):    howard county, iowa
        卡斯 (阿州):    cass county, iowa; lucas county, iowa


  1. "琳状的"英文
  2. "琳子"英文
  3. "林"英文
  4. "林 森林 森林地带"英文
  5. "林 (阿肯色州)"英文
  6. "林 (布拉斯加州)"英文
  7. "林 (堪斯州)"英文
  8. "林 (密里州)"英文
  9. "林 (密歇根州)"英文
  10. "林 (伊利伊州)"英文


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